Science Lesson Library
The Disciplinary Resource Lesson Library provides support for teachers as they learn and implement disciplinary literacy strategies in mathematics and science.
All lessons in the library have been classroom tested by participating teachers in “Inquiring Minds: Reading to Learn and Innovate in Mathematics and Science (IQ-MS)” research project or by IQ-MS Support Specialists. Additional lessons and other resources, such as professional development modules and other tools, will continually be added to the virtual library.
All lessons in the library have been classroom tested by participating teachers in “Inquiring Minds: Reading to Learn and Innovate in Mathematics and Science (IQ-MS)” research project or by IQ-MS Support Specialists. Additional lessons and other resources, such as professional development modules and other tools, will continually be added to the virtual library.
Lesson Categories
Earth and Space Science
Earth and Space Science
Astronomy: Earth and Space Science ReviewLesson: Download In this lesson, students create a concept map to demonstrate their understanding of astronomy. This lesson was used as a review of Earth and Space Systems. Standards: SC 2005 8-4.1, 8-4.4, 8-4.5, 8-4.6, 8-4.7, 8.4.8, SC 2014 8.E.4B.1, 8.E.4B.2, 8.E.4B.3, 8.E.4B.4, NGSS MS-ESS 1-1, NGSS MS-ESS 1-2 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Think-Ink-Pair-Share, Concept Map Earth and Space Science
Carbonized and Petrified FossilsLesson: Download Smartboard Notepad: Download Video: Download Students will be introduced to petrified and carbonized fossils. They will use interactive science notebooks and paired reading to support their learning. Standards: SC 2005 8-2.2, SC 2014 8.E.6A.4, NGSS MS-LS 4-1 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Say Something, Flow Map, Exit Ticket Earth and Space Science
Earth's Structure
Lesson: Download In this lesson, Agree and Disagree Statements will be used to assess student understanding of science concepts related to the Earth’s Structure. Students will also use Harkness tracking to self-assess their group dialogue. Standards: SC 2005 8-3.5, SC 2014 E.5C.1, NGSS MS-LS 4-1 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Agree and Disagree Statements, Harkness Strategy Group Tracking Sheet Earth and Space Science
Layers of the AtmosphereLesson: Download In this summarizing lesson, students organized vocabulary terms from a unit of study on the layers of the atmosphere using the 5-3-1 strategy. Standards: SC 2005 6-4.1 , SC 2014 6.E.2A.1 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: 5-3-1, Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down Earth and Space Science
Sorting CloudsLesson: Download In this lesson, students will classify pictures of clouds using their knowledge of cloud shape, location, and weather patterns. Students will work in groups to sort teacher prepared picture cards of clouds. Standards: SC 2005 6-4.3, SC 2014 6.E.2B.1 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Card Sort Earth and Space Science
Seismic WavesLesson: Download In this lesson, students will read from their textbook, take notes, compare and contrast, and use Slinkys to learn about seismic waves. Standards: SC 2005 8-3.8, 8-3.2, SC 2014 8.E.5B.2 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: PIR (Prepare, Interact, Respond) reading strategy, Notetaking from Text, Graphic Organizer Earth and Space Science
SeasonsLesson: Download In this lesson, students will use materials to investigate how the tilt of the Earth on its axis affects life on Earth. Standards: SC 2014 8.E.4B.3, NGSS MS-ESS 1-1 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Think-Ink-Pair-Share, Pairs Squared, Two Minute Paper, Read Aloud, Concept Map Earth and Space Science
The Earth's CoreLesson: Download In this lesson, students will use their knowledge from previous lessons on the layers of the Earth to critique the science content in the movie “The Core” as scientifically accurate or inaccurate. Standards: SC 2005 8-3.1, SC 2014 8.E.5A.3 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Freeze Frame, Graphic Organizer (T-Chart), Partner Dialogue |
Earth and Space Science
Classifying Clouds
Lesson: Download In this lesson, students will classify shapes and types of clouds according to elevation and their associated weather conditions and patterns. Standards: SC 2005 6-4.3, SC 2014 6.E.2B.1, NGSS MS-ESS 2-6 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Brainstorming, Word Wall, Notebooking, Graphic Organizer, Question/Answer Relationships (QAR) Earth and Space Science
Groundwater and Surface WaterLesson: Download Student will be able to summarize how the location and movements of water on Earth’s surface through groundwater zones and surface-water drainage basin, called watersheds, are important to ecosystems and to human activities. Standards: SC 2005 7-4.5 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Paired Verbal Fluency, Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down Earth and Space Science
Natural DisastersLesson: Download In this lesson, students use Making Thinking Visible (MTV) to make their thoughts about specific natural disasters visible. This lesson is designed as a culminating activity for a unit on Natural Disasters. Students will draw a picture to illustrate their selected natural disaster and how it effects the environment before, during and after. Students will also present their assigned natural disaster MTV to their classmates. Students will use a variety of reflective writing strategies to summarize their learning from the group presentations. Standards: SC 2005 7-4.3, SC 2014 7.EC.5B.1, NGSS MS-LS 2-1 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Making Thinking Visible (MTV), Collaborative Comments, 3-2-1, Key Words to Summarize, Triangle, Circle, "Here’s What, So What, Now What", Frayer Model, Exit Ticket Earth and Space Science
Minerals, Ores, and Fossil FuelsLesson: Download In this lesson, students will read and analyze a text selection to learn about the importance of minerals, ores, and fossil fuels based on their properties. Students will create a Venn Diagram based on their reading to summarize their knowledge of Earth’s resources. Standards: SC 2005 8-3.5, SC 2014 E.5C.1, NGSS MS-LS 4-1 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Notetaking from Text, Graphic Organizer: Venn Diagram Earth and Space Science
Water Cycle- Popcorn PonderingsLesson: Download During this lesson, students will review the water cycle and learn new vocabulary related to the water cycle. They will process their learning with illustrations and discussion. Standards: SC 2005 6-4.2, SC 2014 6.E.2A.3, NGSS MS-ESS 2-4 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Popcorn Pondering Earth and Space Science
Water CycleLesson: Download In this lesson, students will learn about transpiration surface-water flow, and groundwater flow. They will also examine components of the water cycle learned in previous lessons or grade levels in more depth (precipitation, condensation, evaporation, and run off). Students will need computers with internet accessibility to complete the lesson. Standards: SC 2005 6-4.2, SC 2014 6.E.2A.3, NGSS MS-ESS 2-4 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Bounce Cards, Jigsaw, Gallery Walk, Concept Map, RAFT (Role, Audience, Format, Topic) Earth and Space Science
Human Effects on Global WarmingLesson: Download In this lesson, students will apply prior knowledge about the changes happening to our Earth due to human activity. For this lesson, students will already have background knowledge of what the greenhouse effect is, the basics of greenhouse gases, and the idea of global warming. Standards: SC 2014 6.E.2A, NGSS MS-ESS 3-5 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Agree and Disagree Statements, Agreement Circle, Gallery Walk |
Earth and Space Science
Atmospheric CompositionLesson: Download During this lesson, students will view several pictures of Mars including pictures taken by the Mars rover. The students will make guesses about what planet is pictured in front of them. Students will compare the mystery planet’s atmosphere to the atmosphere of Earth. Standards: SC 2005 6-4.1, SC 2014 6.E.2A.1, NGSS MS-ESS 2-6 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Highlighting, Venn Diagram Earth and Space Science
Atmospheric LayersLesson: Download In this lesson, students will compare the composition and structure of the Earth’s atmospheric layers, including the gases and differences in temperature and pressure within the layers. They will construct a foldable to organize their learning. Standards: SC 2005 6-4.1, SC 2014 6.E.2A.1, NGSS MS-ESS 2-6 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Notebooking (Foldables), Line of Learning, Paint the Picture, Card Sort, Bounce Cards, Exit Ticket Earth and Space Science
ConvectionStrategy: Download In this lesson, students will learn what causes convection inside the Earth (and in everyday instances such as boiling a pot of water or in the air). They will connect their learning about convection to develop explanations about the motion of the lithospheric plates. Standards: SC 2005 8-3.6, SC 2014 8.E.5A.4, NGSS MS-ESS 2-1 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: GIST Summary Earth and Space Science
How Temperature Affects Air MovementLesson: Download In this lesson, students experience through a demonstration and then a hands-on investigation how temperature affects air movement. Students use prior knowledge of solar energy sources and properties, energy transformation, and heat energy transfer to make connections to their new learning. Standards: SC 2005 6-4.7, 6-4.8, SC 2014 6.E.2B.3, NGSS MS-ESS 2-6 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Notebooking, Think-Ink-Pair-Share Earth and Space Science
Rotation vs. RevolutionLesson: Download Smartboard Notepad: Download Students will observe flash animations of a celestial body rotating and revolving, side by side. They will discuss and make observations as a small group, and will write an explanatory paragraph as an individual to support their claim. Standards: SC 2005 8-4.4, SC 2014 8.E.4B.4, NGSS MS-ESS 1-1 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Predict-Observe-Explain, Proof Paragraph, Graphic Organizers Earth and Space Science
The Great Fossil FindLesson: Download In this lesson, students go on an imaginary fossil hunt. As the teacher reads a script, students find (remove from paper bag) paper fossils of some unknown creatures, only a few at a time. They attempt to reconstruct the creatures and hypothesize as to what the creatures are. Their interpretation tends to change as new pieces are found. Standards: SC 2005 8-2.2, SC 2014 8.E.6A.4, NGSS MS-LS 4-1 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Read Aloud Think-Pair-Share-Square Earth and Space Science
Weather ReviewLesson: Download In this lesson students will apply prior knowledge about Weather (Storms, Fronts, Clouds, and Pressure systems) as review for a summative assessment. Standards: SC 2005 6.4, SC 2014 6.E.2, NGSS MS-ESS2-5 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Quick Write, Give Me Five, Think Ink Pair Share, Say Something (Adapted with Beach Balls) |
Life Science
Life Science
AdaptationLesson: Download This lesson is designed to assess student understanding of adaptation. Students will complete a Frayer model on Adaptation following several lessons of instruction on the concept of Adaptation. Standards: SC 2005 8-2.1, SC 2014 8.E.6B.1, NGSS MS-LS 4-4 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Frayer Model Life Science
Bacteria, Protist, Fungi and VirusesLesson: Download In this lesson students will understand the processes, structures and functions of living organisms that enable them to survive, reproduce and carry out the basic functions of life. Students should have prior knowledge of cells and the difference between unicellular and multicellular organisms. Standards: SC 2005 7-2.3, SC 2014 7.L.3A.2 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: KWL, Jigsaw Life Science
Human Body SystemsStrategy: Download During this lesson, students will explain relationships between the systems of the human body through creating a concept map. Standards: SC 2005 7-3.3, SC 2014 7.L.3B.2, NGSS MS-LS 1-3 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Concept Map Life Science
Dichotomous KeyLesson: Download In this lesson, students practice classifying organisms, objects, and materials based on their physical characteristics and creating a dichotomous key. A dichotomous key is a tool used to identify similar organisms or things. Standards: SC 2005 6-2.2, SC 2014 6.L.4A.2 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Collaborative Groups, Guess My Rule, Card Sort (Object Sort) Life Science
Monocots and DicotsLesson: Download In this lesson, students will use a t-chart graphic organizer to classify a flowering plant as a monocot or a dicot. They will use observations made of the roots and the leaves as evidence to support their classification. Standards: SC 2005 6-2.3, SC 2014 6.L.5B.1 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Shoulder partners, Graphic organizers, “Give me Five” Life Science
The Digestive SystemLesson: Download In this lesson, students will be involved in exploring how different factors affect the digestion process. They will learn which organs are involved in the digestive process and how this process takes place. Students will discuss and evaluate the results of their experiments to confirm understanding of how the digestive system works with other systems in the body. Standards: SC 2005 7-3.3, SC 2014 7.L.3B.2, NGSS MS-LS 1-3 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Paired Reading, Flow Map, Exit Slip, Admit Ticket |
Life Science
Animal Structures for SurvivalLesson: Download In this lesson, students will apply prior knowledge about the characteristics of various animal groups to explain how different animals use their body structures to defend themselves, obtain food, and move. Standards: SC 2005 6-3.2, SC 2014 6.L.4B.2, NGSS MS-LS 4-2 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Fryer Model, Gallery Walk Life Science
Cellular Process of DiffusionLesson: Download In this lesson, students will explore the cellular process of diffusion. Prior to this lesson, students should have learned about plant and animal cell organelles and their functions. Students will complete a close reading of the diffusion lab and then conduct the experiment. Standards: SC 2005 7-2.1, SC 2005 7-2.2, SC 2014 7.L.3A.3, SC 2014 7.L.3A.2, NGSS MS-LS 1-2 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Concept Cartoon, Close Reading, Think-Ink-Pair-Share Life Science
Endothermic and Ectothermic OrganismsLesson: Download During this lesson, they will explore the terms endothermic and ectothermic as they investigate the effect a change in water temperature has on goldfish. Standards: SC 2005 6-3.3, SC 2014 6.L.4B.5 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Notebooking, Cooperative Groups, Graphic Organizer Life Science
Life's Blood
Lesson: Download In this lesson students will learn the function of each of the four components of blood. Standards: SC 2005 7-3.2, SC 2014 7.L.3B.2, NGSS MS-LS 1-3 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Jigsaw, Peer Dialogue Life Science
Plants in a JarLesson: Download Students will demonstrate their understanding of plant processes by making observations and creating a model. They should have some knowledge of how to collect and record qualitative and quantitative data. Standards: SC 2005 6-2.7, SC 2014 6.L.5B.2 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: POE Probe (Predict, Observe and Explain), Think-Ink-Pair-Share (Pairing Strategy of “sole mate”), Pairs Squared, Paint the Picture Life Science
Urinary SystemLesson: Download In this lesson, students will review the functions of the human body’s excretory system, including the four major organs of the urinary system. Students will use highlighting to review these functions, demonstrate an understanding of the functions using brainstorming and model building, and explain the relationship between the circulatory system and urinary system by Making Thinking Visible. Standards: SC 2005 7-3.2, SC 2005 7-3.3, SC 2014 7.L.3B.2, NGSS MS-LS 1-3 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Think-Pair-Share, Give Me Five, Highlighting, Making Thinking Visible (MTV) |
Life Science
Animal Behaviors- Learned vs. InheritedLesson: Download In this lesson, students will distinguish between learned and inherited behaviors and will be able to write a rule to explain the difference in these behaviors. The specific goals for the lesson outlined in the video was for students to develop a one sentence rule to explain the difference between learned and inherited behaviors that they could then apply to any list of behaviors in order to classify if the behavior was learned or inherited. When given the focus question, “What is the difference between learned and inherited behaviors?,” students should be able to respond with, the understanding that “inherited behaviors are the ones you are born knowing how to do and learned behaviors are the ones you are not born with but have to learn through experiences or observations.” Standards: SC 2005 6-3.7, SC 2014 6.L.4B.4 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Think Ink Pair Share (TIPS) (Pair with Elbow Partner), Give Me Five, Popsicle Sticks, Card Sort, Line of Learning (LOL), Most Important Point (MIP) Life Science
Cell OrganellesLesson: Download In this lesson, students will use the 5-3-1 and Making Thinking Visible (MTV) to express their findings on a specific organelle. The class will be given a physical location (the school, the mall, home, or a city) to use as a comparison to the cell organelle they choose. Each cooperative group will be given an organelle to research using the internet, science book or their Interactive Science Notebook (ISN). They will use the 5-3-1 strategy to find the most important function of the organelle. The students will then use Making Thinking Visible to depict their organelle within the assigned physical location. Standards: SC 2005 7-2.1, SC 2014 7.L.3A.3, NGSS MS-LS1-2 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Making Thinking Visible (MTV), 5-3-1, Triangle, Circle, Square, Gallery Walk Life Science
Introduction to CellsLesson: Download This is an introductory lesson on how cells are the basic structure of all living things. Students are introduced to cells in a previous grade therefore prior knowledge is limited. Students will learn the basic cell organelles and the difference between plant and animal cells. Students will be engaged in close reading of an article, annotated note taking, and collaborative discussions. Standards: SC 2005 7-2.1, 7-2.2, SC 2014 7.L.3A.2, 7.L.3A.3, NGSS MS-LS1-2 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Concept Cartoon, Think-Ink-Pair-Share (TIPS) (Pair with Elbow Partner), Close reading with highlighting and annotation, 5-3-1 Life Science
Living vs. Non-LivingLesson: Download In this lesson, students will use a graphic organizer and a card sort to explore the characteristics that separate living organisms from nonliving things. Standards: SC 2005 6-2.1, SC 2014 6.L.4A.1, NGSS MS-LS 1-1 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Line of Learning, Graphic Organizer (T-Chart), Card Sort, Exit Ticket Life Science
Structures, Processes, ResponsesLesson: Download In this lesson students will learn that behavioral responses refer to how animals cope with changes in their environments. Animals may respond to environmental stimuli through behaviors that include hibernation, migration, defense, and courtship. Standards: SC 2005 6-3.5, SC 2014 6.L.4B.3, NGSS MS-LS 1-4 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Concept Maps, Graphic Organizers, Give Me Five, Most Important Point, Muddiest Point |
Physical Science
Physical Science
Chemistry Review- Odd One OutLesson: Download This lesson was designed to formatively assess student understanding of SC 8th Grade Chemistry standards. Students used an adaptation of I think, ,We think combined with Odd One Out to review the content. After individually recording their thinking about which term was the “odd one out”, students were placed in groups of 4 or 5 to come to consensus about the “odd one out” as a group. Standards: SC 2005 7-5, SC 2014 7.P.2 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies:" I Think, We Think", Odd One Out Physical Science
Periodic TableLesson: Download In this lesson, students will use text materials to examine the properties of the elements in the periodic table. Standards: SC 2005 7-5.4, SC 2014 7.P.2A.2 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Highlighting, Partner Talk, Wait Time, Paraphrasing |
Physical Science
Independent and Dependent VariablesLesson: Download In this lesson, students will work in collaborative groups to determine what part of a statement contained the independent variable and what part contained the dependent variable. They will sort the independent and dependent variables into a t-chart graphic organizer. Standards: SC 2005 7-1.2, SC 2014 7.S.1A.1 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Collaborative Groups, Graphic Organizer (T-chart) Physical Science
Simple MachinesLesson: Download In this lesson, students will apply prior knowledge about the six simple machines and make connections to how each simple machine makes work easier. Standards: SC 2005 6-5.6, 6-5.7, 6-5.8, SC 2014 6.P.3B.1, 6.P.3B.2 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Paraphrasing, Frayer Model, Think-Ink-Pair-Share, Graphic Organizer, Making Thinking Visible (MTV), Exit Ticket/Exit Slip |
Physical Science
Oobleck, Gloop and GlurchLesson: Download Throughout this lesson, students will use inquiry skills to identify states of matter, describe physical properties, and modify the recipe to change physical properties of a substance. Students will have the opportunity to work in groups, create a foreign substance by following a recipe, record qualitative and quantitative observations in a data table, and reflect on their experiences. Standards: SC 2005 7-5.9, SC 2005 7-5.10, SC 2014 7.P.2B.1, SC 2014 7.P.2B.4, NGSS MS-PS 1-2, NGSS MS-PS 1-4 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Highlighting, Think-Pair-Share Physical Science
Wave Types
Lesson: Download In this lesson, students will read and analyze informational text to describe differences between the types of waves electromagnetic vs mechanical and compressional vs transverse. They will summarize their understanding of waves using a concept map. Standards: SC 2005 8-6.2, SC 2014 8.P.3A.1 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Concept Map |