Mathematics Lesson Library
The Disciplinary Resource Lesson Library provides support for teachers as they learn and implement disciplinary literacy strategies in mathematics and science.
All lessons in the library have been classroom tested by participating teachers in “Inquiring Minds: Reading to Learn and Innovate in Mathematics and Science (IQ-MS)” research project or by IQ-MS Support Specialists. Additional lessons and other resources, such as professional development modules and other tools, will continually be added to the virtual library.
All lessons in the library have been classroom tested by participating teachers in “Inquiring Minds: Reading to Learn and Innovate in Mathematics and Science (IQ-MS)” research project or by IQ-MS Support Specialists. Additional lessons and other resources, such as professional development modules and other tools, will continually be added to the virtual library.
Lesson Categories
Each category contains multiple lessons. Click on the lesson title to view the complete lesson.
Data Analysis, Statistics & Probability
Data Analysis, Statistics & Probability
Box-and-Whisker Plots
Lesson: Download In this lesson, students will create survey questions, collect data, and construct box and whisker plots of their data. Standards: CCSS 6.SP.4 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Think-Draw-Share, Gallery Walk, Volley Ball, Not Ping Pong, Exit Slips Data Analysis, Statistics & Probability
Mean vs. MedianLesson: Download During the lesson, students explore mean and median with heights of their class. Using their data, they determine which is the best, either mean or median, to answer the question they are investigating. Standards: CCSS 6.SP.4, CCSS 6.SP.5c Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Wait Time, Agreement Circles, Look Back, Quick Write |
Data Analysis, Statistics & Probability
Data About UsLesson: Download In this lesson, students begin to understand the idea of a statistical question and explore three graphical displays: box plot, dot plot and histogram Standards: CCSS 6.SP.1, CCSS 6.SP.4 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Focused List, Anticipation Guide, Verbal and Visual Word Association (VVWA), Gallery Walk |
Data Analysis, Statistics & Probability
Investigating Chance Processes of ProbabilityLesson: Download In this lesson, students learn that the probability of a chance event is likely, unlikely or neither. Students will also learn to predict the probability of a chance event and compare that prediction to actual observations by collecting data. Standards: CCSS 7.SP.5, CCSS 7.SP.6 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Agree and Disagree Statements, Brainstorm (for Likely/Unlikely Activity), Partner Talk (during “Does It Match?” Activity), Exit Slip |
Expressions, Equations & Inequalities
Expressions, Equations & Inequalities
Factoring PolynomialsLesson: Download In this culminating lesson, students will produce visual representations of various approaches to factoring polynomial expressions. Students will complete a flow map to show the thought process used when factoring polynomials. Standards: A.ARP.3 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Table Talk, Concept Map, Flow Map (Graphic Organizer) Expressions, Equations & Inequalities
InequalitiesLesson: Download Students will use 5-3-1 to activate prior knowledge about linear inequalities. By the end of the lesson, they will learn how to solve linear inequalities in one variable and graph the solution. Standards: A.REI.3 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: 5-3-1, Shoulder Partners Expressions, Equations & Inequalities
Scientific NotationLesson: Download In this lesson, students will use Socratic Seminar to discuss an article about Scientific Notation and will learn to convert numbers in standard form to scientific notation. Standards: 7.EE.3 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Socratic Seminar, Gallery Walk, Exit Ticket Expressions, Equations & Inequalities
The Chocolate ProblemLesson: Download In this problem-based mathematics lesson, students work collaboratively to solve a real world problem about buying chocolate. Standards: 7.NS.3, 7.EE.4 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Table Talk, Think-Pair-Share Variation |
Expressions, Equations & Inequalities
Factoring Algebraic ExpressionsLesson: Download In this lesson, students will be introduced to factoring algebraic expressions. Student pairs will factor an expression and write the steps necessary to factor. Standards: CCSS 7.EE.1, CCSS 7.EE.2 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: TIPS (Think-Ink-Pair-Share) Expressions, Equations & Inequalities
Order of OperationsLesson: Download In this lesson, students will review order of operations using Agree/Disagree Statements. Standards: 6.EE.4 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Agree and Disagree Statements, Exit Ticket Expressions, Equations & Inequalities
Problem Solving in Pre-AlgebraStrategy: Download Students will work in small groups to continue developing problem solving skills by writing then solving equations from situations presenting in word form. Students will learn how to work cooperatively while focusing on writing the desired equation to solve the problem in each situation. Standards: CCSS.7.EE.B.3, CCSS.7.EE.B.4 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Highlighting, Collaboration Expressions, Equations & Inequalities
Solving EquationsLesson: Download In this lesson, students will use focused listing to activate their knowledge about “identity” and then brainstorm strategies for solving equations. Students will summarize their learning by writing Proof Paragraphs for given equations. Standards: 8.EE.7 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Focused Listing, Brainstorming, Proof Paragraph |
Expressions, Equations & Inequalities
Absolute Value with Proof ParagraphLesson: Download In this lesson, students will use proof paragraph as a structure to analyze the process used to convert information in a chart into a line graph. The essential question for this lesson is “How can you use numbers and symbols to represent mathematical ideas?” Standards: 7.EE.4 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Proof Paragraph Expressions, Equations & Inequalities
Problem Solving about ExpressionsLesson: Download Students learn how to use Strategy Harvest through solving problems, one involving using order of operations (a previously learned concept) and the other problem is a Genie Problem, which can be solved using exponential form (a concept that students are exploring). Standards: 6.EE.1 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Strategy Harvest Expressions, Equations & Inequalities
Properties of ExponentsLesson: Download In this lesson, students will work in pairs to examine patterns in products to make conjectures about general rules for the properties of exponents and test their rule on sample problems to test the validity. Students will share their conjectures with the class and use dialogue to come to agreement on the properties of exponents. Standards: 8.EE.1 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Focused Listing, Think-Ink-Pair-Share, Give Me Five, Bounce Cards, Making Thinking Visible, Muddiest Point |
Odd Parabola OutLesson: Download In this lesson, students will use knowledge learned about the coefficients of a quadratic equation to predict which of three equations’ graphs would be the “odd one out” and then explain why. Standards: F.BF.3 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Give Me 5, Odd One Out |
Geometry & Measurement
Geometry & Measurement
Angle PairsLesson: Download Students will learn to find the measures of unknown angles by applying the unique relationships between angle pairs that are known as vertical, adjacent, and corresponding. Standards: 7.G.5 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Verbal Visual Word Association, Most Important Point, Collaborative Groups Geometry & Measurement
Rotational SymmetryLesson: Download Students should have some prior knowledge of the vocabulary term symmetry from the previous lesson. Students will be introduced to rotational symmetry through a video and explore rotational symmetry in letters. Students pairs will determine whether various letters and shapes have rotational symmetry. Standards: SC 6-4.3 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Partner Dialogue, Exit Slips |
Geometry & Measurement
CongruencyLesson: Download In this lesson, students will work in groups to make predictions about the relationship between congruency and transformations and to prove congruency through a sequence of transformations. Standards: CCSS 8.G.2 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Chum Check/Partner Dialogue, Bounce Cards, Give Me Five, Exit Ticket Geometry & Measurement
Inverting a Triangular ArrayLesson: Download This problem-based lesson promotes strategic, mathematical thinking, encourage student dialogue and reflection. Students are assigned a problem in which their challenge is to find the BEST solution possible. There should be multiple solution strategies occurring within the classroom and many students will challenge each other. The role of the teacher in this lesson is to facilitate and to question student thinking and encourage student dialogue. Standards: CCSS.MP.1, CCSS.MP.2, CCSS.MP.3, CCSS.MP.4 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Bounce Cards, Making Thinking Visible, Turn and Talk, Two-Minute Paper |
Geometry & Measurement
Geometry ReviewLesson: Download Students should have previously explored how to determine: 1) area of rectangles, parallelograms, triangles, and trapezoids; 2) volume of rectangular prisms, cubes, and triangular prisms; and 3) surface area of cubes, rectangular prisms, and square pyramids. This lesson is intended as a culmination of applying previous knowledge and assessing student understanding. Students work in groups to determine which figure in each row is the Odd One Out. The Odd One Out may be the only one in the row that is correct or it may be the only one in the row that is incorrect. Students may deconstruct figures into its parts, apply known formulas, and/or use notes and tablets to research needed information to assist with determining the Odd One Out. Standards: CCSS 6.G.1, CCSS 6.G.2, CCSS 6.G.4 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down, Odd One Out, Muddiest Point Geometry & Measurement
Tiling Design ProjectLesson: Download Powerpoint: Download Students will work in pairs and small groups to create a design using pattern blocks. They will use what they know about how the different shapes are related to the square to find the area of the design. Standards: 6.G.1 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Paired Verbal Fluency, Making Thinking Visible, Graphic Organizer, Exit Slip |
Ratios & Proportional Relationships
Ratios & Proportional Relationships
Applications of Percent: Sales TaxLesson: Download In this lesson, students will use graphic organizers to apply prior knowledge about fractions, decimals, and percents to determine the amount of sales tax for a given item and the total cost, including tax, for the item. Standards: 7.RP.3 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Graphic Organizers, Shoulder Partners, Exit Ticket, Muddiest Point Ratios & Proportional Relationships
Unit RateLesson: Download In this lesson, students will use their pulse to explore proportional reasoning and unit rates. Connections will also be made to grocery store unit rates and other rates such as speed limit. Standards: 7.RP.1 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Graphic Organizer, Bounce Cards, Making Thinking Visible, Two-Minute Paper |
Ratios & Proportional Relationships
Equivalent RatiosLesson: Download In this lesson students use an anticipation guide to activate their knowledge of equivalent ratios prior to reading a textbook selection on equivalent ratios. Students will learn strategies to determine whether two ratios are equivalent. Standards: 6.RP.3 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Anticipation Guide |
Ratios & Proportional Relationships
Equivalent Ratios with CountersLesson: Download In this lesson, the students will use yellow and red counters to explore equivalent ratios. An anticipation guide will be used to activate knowledge at the beginning of the lesson and to summarize learning at the end of the lesson. Standards: 6.RP.1 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Anticipation, Highlighting, Elbow Partners |
The Number System
The Number System
Adding and Subtracting FractionsLesson: Download In this lesson students will use their prior knowledge of adding and subtracting integers and unlike fractions to add and subtract fractions with positives and negatives. Both of these skills have been previously taught and today they are putting the two skills together. Standards: 7.NS.1 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Reflective Writing, Elbow Partners The Number System
Greatest Common Factor and Least Common MultipleLesson: Download This is a series of lessons that build an understanding of greatest common factor and least common multiple, preparing students for fraction use and other mathematical concepts. Students will engage in reading, writing, and talking about this concept culminating with an arts-based project developed using Concept Maps. Standards: 6.NS.4 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: T-chart, Highlighting, Give Me Five, Concept Map, Most Important Point, Concept Cartoon, Line of Learning, Frayer Model The Number System
Rational NumbersLesson: Download During this lesson, students will learn the value of the mathematical practices in applying their understanding of adding and subtracting rational numbers. Students will read an article about rational numbers and use the GIST strategy to formulate a definition for rational numbers. Standards: 7.NS.1, MP.3, MP.6, MP.7 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: GIST Summaries, Table Talk, Highlighting, Venn diagram The Number System
Squares and CubesLesson: Download In this lesson, students will explore numbers that fall between perfect square and cube roots to begin laying a foundation for further study of rational and irrational numbers. Standards: CCSS 8.NS.2, CCSS 8.EE.2 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Think Ink Pair Share (TIPS) (Pair with Elbow Partner), Give Me Five, Pairs Squared, Making Thinking Visible (MTV), Gallery Walk, Most Important Point (MIP) |
The Number System
Comparing and Ordering Rational NumbersLesson: Download In this review lesson, students will use their math textbook and knowledge from the previous lessons to complete a graphic organizer for comparing and ordering rational numbers. Standards: CCSS 6.NS.7 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Think-Ink-Pair-Share, Graphic Organizer, Give me “5”, Partner Dialogue, Exit Slips The Number System
Introducing Bounce Cards in Math ClassLesson: Download In this lesson, students learn about productive dialogue through the use of Bounce Cards. Two students model a math conversation using a prepared script on multiplying and dividing fractions while others identify conversation stems used. This lesson was used as an introduction to bounce cards and a review of multiplying and dividing fractions, which had been previously taught. Standards: 6.NS Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Bounce Cards The Number System
Multiplying IntegersStrategy: Download In this introductory lesson, students learn to draw a model for multiplying integers through an inquiry lab, share their models in small groups, and reflect on the application of an algorithm to multiplication of integers. Standards: 7.NS.2, 7.NS.3 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Think-Draw-Share, Three Minute Reflection The Number System
Whole Numbers and Their OppositesLesson: Download In this lesson, students will be using their understanding of integers and number lines to demonstrate opposite quantities. Students will collaborate and communicate their understanding of mathematical terminology through real-world contexts. By the end of the lesson, students will make conclusions that opposite quantities add to make zero. Standards: 7.NS.1a, 7.NS.1b Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Table Talk, Think-Ink-Pair-Share |
The Number System
Dividing Rational NumbersLesson: Download In this lesson students use the chain notes strategy to support student learning of division of rational numbers. Student groups are provided mathematical tasks, some which have been worked correctly and some which have been worked incorrectly. Students take turns commenting on one step of the solved task to determine where the mistake might be, if one exists. Standards: 7.NS.2 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Chain Notes, Exit Ticket, Elbow Partners, Popsicle Sticks, Thumbs Up, Making Thinking Visible (MTV) The Number System
Improper FractionsLesson: Download In this lesson, students will use manipulatives to explore the connections between improper fractions and mixed numbers. This lesson is a review lesson in preparation for the grade level standard. Standards: CCSS 6.NS.1 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Line of Learning (LOL), Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down, Exit Ticket The Number System
Multiplying FractionsLesson: Download In this lesson, students will learn the process that is needed in order to multiply fractions. Students will use a graphic organizer to record their learning about multiplying fractions and apply the process to sample problems. This lesson is a review of multiplying fractions in preparation to learn how to divide fractions. Standards: CCSS 6.NS.1 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Graphic Organizer, Exit Ticket The Number System
Subtracting IntegersLesson: Download This introductory lesson introduces the concept of subtraction as addition of the additive inverse. Students will use number lines and two color counters to find the difference between two integers. Standards: 7.NS.1 Disciplinary Literacy Strategies: Quick Write |