Module 3: A Deeper Look at Meaningful Writing
Lessons are designed for educators wishing to increase their understanding of disciplinary literacy at their own pace.
Lesson 3.3: Strategies for Meaningful Writing in the Classroom
Lesson 3:3: Strategies for Meaningful Writing in the Classroom
Task 1: Finding Time and Purpose for Meaningful Writing
When considering meaningful writing strategies for your classroom, think to yourself “how will engaging my students in writing help develop their understanding of the concepts, help develop their thinking, or help develop their skills in mathematics and/or science?” Some ways that meaningful writing can support learning of mathematics and science content:
Disciplinary Literacy Strategy--Two Minute Paper Write for two uninterrupted minutes on the following prompt: What might be some specific examples of how writing can support student understanding of content in your classroom? Task 2: Strategies for Meaningful Writing
Explore the selection of Meaningful Writing Strategies in the Disciplinary Literacy Virtual Library. Identify three strategies you might use in your classroom from the list provided.